Paranoid of Phaze 101 has been interviewed by Majestic/BRS.
A few sentences about your group, and its past.
-Since I joined Phaze 101 only four month ago I don't know when the group was founded but we previously were callen "101-The Maltese Hackers". At the moment we are only running a disk magazine and the only active members are only a few (the coders and the swappers). We (I must admit) have not good GFX Wizards or Musicians anyway some new dudes joined us but I don't know their functions. Ours plans for the future are to release some Music-Disks (really good soundtracks) and demos, both with coding byt me. We are also working on a game (I am working on it) and a megademo (by Torch).
What's the aim of your group?
-We don't Crack! It isn't our philosophy, we only try to do some funny works like demos, games, etc. Just to have fun with our Amigas.
A few sentences about your local scene.
-I don't know the Maltese Scene but for sure we are the only famous group of Malta. In Italy (where I live) there are many lamers but fortunately there are also guys like "IBB".
Your opinion about copy parties.
-Since 100% of C.P. are in foreign countries I never visited one but I think that they are a cool way to meet other coders from foreign groups. They are quite a good thing!!
What do you think about the police? -Software police?? Hahaha!!! In Italy this word isn't still on the dictionnary! I think it's due to the fact that nobody really cracks progies.
How is the Italian post?
-Well, here in Italy we have one of the slowest post services of the whole europe and for sure the most unpleasant workers.